
António Jorge Duarte Rebelo de Sousa
- Is Professor at Lusiad University (Universidade Lusíada) of Lisbon, having been teaching there since 1986.
- Is Associate Professor with Aggregation at the University of Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa), having been teaching at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas) since 2003.
- Is President of the Administrative Council of SOFID - Society for the Financing of Development - Credit Finance Institution, SA (SOFID - Sociedade para o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento - Instituição Financeira de Crédito, SA) (elected on General Assembly of May 12, 2010).
- Is Director of the magazine Revista Economia & Empresa das Universidades Lusíadas (since March 2018).
- Is Member of the Board of Ordem dos Economistas (since January 2022).
- Is President of the Fiscal Council of the Lisbon Club (Clube de Lisboa) (since April 2017).
- Is President of the Benjamin Franklin Institute (Instituto Benjamin Franklin) (since October 2014).
- Is Member of the Board of the Geographic Society of Lisbon (Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa) (since March 2022).
- Is Economic Consultant to the Embassy of Japan, since 2002
- Is President of the Consultive Council of OSOCT - Observatory for Security, Organized Crime and Terrorism. Was Vice-President of OSOCT (from 2007 to 2016).
- Is Member of the Board of Directors of the American Club of Lisbon.
- Was President of the American Comission of the Geographic Society of Lisbon (Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa).
- Was Director of the magazine «Revista Energia & Futuro» (between October 2010 and May 2019).
- Was President of the Consultive Board of ITD - Instituto Transatlântico Democrático (Transatlantic Democratic Institute) (between March de 2007 and December 2021).
- Was Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors of the American Club of Lisbon (between 2016 and 2018).
- Was Assessor to the Minister of Finance for Economic Affairs between 1995 and 1999, as well as Consultant to the Minister of Finance between 2001 and 2002.
- Was Member of the Parliament Representatives Group of EFTA in 1977/78 and in 1983/85.
- Was Representative to the National Assembly of Portugal, from 1976 to 1980 and from 1983 to 1985.
- Reviewer of the international magazine, based on the United Kingdom, “Regional Studies” – Regional Studies Association.
- Was Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra during the school year 1979/80.
- Was Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics (Faculdade de Economia) of the New University (Universidade Nova) of Lisbon, from 1979 to 1980 and from 1981 to 1985.
- Was Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais) of the New University (Universidade Nova) of Lisbon between 1976 and 1978 an between 1980 and 1981.
- Aggregate Professor in International Economics, by the Technical University of Lisbon (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa), in July 2008.
- Was Member of the Directive Council of Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém between March 2010 and January 2012.
- Ph.D. in Economics by Lusiad University (Universidade Lusíada) in Lisbon, in 2004.
- Licenciate in Economics by the Higher Institute of Economics (Instituto Superior de Economia), in 1974.
- Is Member of the Consultive Board of the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra.
Has also published, among other works, the following books and articles:
- "Condicionantes do Desenvolvimento Português", Editora Diário de Bordo, July 2021 (co-authored with António Quintino).
- "O Euro e o Futuro", Editora Diário de Bordo, July 2020.
- "Nem Mais, Nem Menos...", Editora Diário de Bordo, May 2019.
- "Da Sociedade de Aprendizagem à Good Governance Mundial", Editora Diário de Bordo, May 2018.
- "A América e a Inovação: Desafios Estratégicos no Contexto Internacional", coordinator, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Comissão Americana, Lisboa, December 2017.
- "Da Economia", Diário de Bordo Editores, May 2017 (910 pages).
- "Contextos de Segurança - Análises e Perspectivas", coordinator, Edição OSCOT, March 2017.
- "Desafio Português II", Diário de Bordo Editores, May 2016.
- "The impact of the financial crisis on Portuguese banks: the problem of Portuguese sovereign debt" in "Banking in Portugal", co-authorship, Palgrave Macmillan, February 2016.
- "The European Investment Bank and the European investiment Fund could be used more flexibly to recycle debts and make them more affordable, without write-offs", Market News International Opinion, March 2015. [registration required]
- "Unintended Macro Effects and the Bank Resolution Mechanism", Market News International Opinion, December 2014.
- "A Economia como Acção Estratégica", Diário de Bordo, December 2014.
- "Dos Condicionalismos à Mobilidade Social em Portugal", Revista de Economia & Empresa da Universidade Lusíada n.º 17, December 2013 (co-authored with António Quintino).
- "Desafio Português", Diário de Bordo Editores, November 2013.
- "As Finanças Locais enquanto instrumento do Desenvolvimento Económico", Revista de Economia & Empresa da Universidade Lusíada n.º 15, December 2012.
- "Da Economia Política: Apontamentos", Diário de Bordo, 2012; 2nd Edition, 2013.
- "Manual de Gestão Financeira", ISCSP, 2010.
- "Manual de Economia do Desenvolvimento", ISCSP, 2009.
- "Economia Internacional - Relatório sobre o Programa, os Conteúdos e os Métodos de Ensino", Diário de Bordo, December 2008.
- "De Um Novo Conceito de Desenvolvimento, no Quadro da Economia Internacional", ISCSP (2008).
- "Análise Económica e Financeira de Projectos", ISCSP, (2005).
- "Da Teoria da Relatividade Económica Aplicada à Economia Internacional e às Políticas de Cooperação", Universidade Lusíada Editora (2004).
- "Economia e Interdependência", Publicações D. Quixote (1997).
- "O Sistema Monetário Europeu", Editorial Presença (1981).
- "Da Teoria Económica à Teoria do Desenvolvimento", Clássica Editora (1980).
- "Democracia Incompleta", Fundação Oliveira Martins (1978).
- "O Comércio Externo Metropolitano - Sua Evolução Recente" - BCCIA and BBI (1973).
© 2006-2010, António Rebelo de Sousa.
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