
Abridged version
- Aggregate Professor of International Economics, July 30th, 2008, by Technical University of Lisbon (Universidade Técnica of Lisboa), approved unanimously.
- Ph.D. in Economics by Lusiad University (Universidade Lusíada), Lisbon, June 25th, 2004, approved unanimously, with Distinction and Honors, 18 points (in 20);
- Frequency of Master's Course with positive evaluation at the Faculty of Economics of the New University (Universidade Nova), Lisbon (from 1978/79 to 1980/81).
- Licenciate in Economics with overall classification of 15 (in 20) - GOOD -, Higher Institute of Economics (Instituto Superior de Economia), in 1974.
Professional Activities
- Director of the magazine Revista Economia & Empresa das Universidades Lusíadas (since March 2018).
- Member of the Board of Directors of Libertas SGOIC - Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo (since March 2012).
- Member of the Directive Council of the Economists' Bar Association (Ordem dos Economistas) (since January 2022).
- President of the American Comission of the Portuguese Geographic Society (Sociedade de Geografia) (since April 2017).
- President of the Fiscal Council of the Lisbon Club (Clube de Lisboa) (since April 2017).
- President of the Benjamin Franklin Institute (Instituto Benjamin Franklin) (since October 2014).
- President of the Administrative Council of SOFID - Society for the Financing of Development - Credit Finance Institution, SA (SOFID - Sociedade para o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento - Instituição Financeira de Crédito, SA) (elected on General Assembly of May 12, 2010).
- Member of the Consulting Council of AMEC - Associação Música - Educação e Cultura / Metropolitana de Lisboa (since April, 2017).
- Vice-President of the Administrative Council of OSOCT - Observatory for Security, Organized Crime and Terrorism (from July, 2007 to June, 2008 and since January, 2010).
- President of the Advisory Board of ITD - Instituto Transatlântico Democrático (Transatlantic Democratic Institute), since March, 2007.
- Member of the Directive Council of Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém between March 2010 and January 2012.
- President of the Fiscal Council of AEDES (Association of Social and Economics Development Studies - ISCSP), since April 2011.
- Resident Comentator on Economics, at Económico-TV television channel («Closing Bell» show).
- Director of the magazine «Energia & Futuro» (from October 2010 until May 2019)
- Reviewer of the international magazine, based on the United Kingdom, “Regional Studies” – Regional Studies Association.
- Participant/Colaborator on «Tratado de Lisboa – Anotado e Comentado», regarding Articles 208 to 213, Editora Almedina, 2011.
- Coordinator of the Post-Doctoral Course in International Economics at ISCSP, since October 2009.
- Member of the Jury for the position of Head of Division of the Internal Auditing Cabinet at the Sintra Municipal Services of Water and Sanitation (May 2009).
- Member of the Jury for the position of Director of Communication Services and Administrative and Financial Management at the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Coordination and Regional Development Comission (March 2009).
- Is also Regent of the Discipline of Financial Management of the Master's in Public Management and Policies, as well as the Disciplines of Enterprise Economics, Enterprise International Strategy, Theories of Monetary and Economic Integration, Development and Under-development and International Finance, of the Master in International Relations, at ISCSP.
- Member of the Scientific Council of ISCSP (between 2005 and 2013), and a Substitute Member of the aforementioned Scientific Council since 2014, being regent of the disciplines of Economics and Development, Financial Mathematics, Economical and Financial Analysis of Projects, Corporate Economics, Social-Economics Planning and Development Economics, as well as, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microecenomics and of Economics and Member of the Pedagogical Council of Lusiad University (Universidade Lusíada), being regent of the disciplines of Public Economics and of Currency and Financial Policy, of Topics in Finance of the Masters Degree on Management and the Seminar on Current Issues in Management Science.
- Presently is also Regent of Development Economics, Enterprise Strategy and Management, Development Theories and Policies in Africa and, in the Doctoral Course in Social-Economic Development, of the discipline of Models of Social-Economic Development.
- Currently is Professor at Lusiad University of Lisbon (Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa).
- Jubilated Associate Professor with Aggregation at the University of Lisbon (formerly Technical University of Lisbon).
- Scientific Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Corporate Finance, promoted by AEDES - Association of Studies of Social and Economic Development (Associação de Estudos de Desenvolvimento Económico e Social).
- Member of the Consulting Council of IPES - Instituto Português de Estudos Superiores, since November 2000.
- Consultant to the Minister of Finance, from August 2001 to January 2002.
- Assessor to the Minister of Finance, from November 1995 to November 1999.
- Director of "Revista Euroexpansão" (magazine) (1982/89).
- Director of "Jornal do Comércio" (newspaper) (1987/89).
- Lectured several courses on Economic Doctrines at Institute of Social Training and of Labour (Instituto de Formação Social e do Trabalho) (1978/81).
- Correspondent of "GADI - Group of Work for Multinational Companies".
- Professor of International Marketing of the post-doctoral course in Marketing and Corporate Communication of Lusiad University (Universidade Lusíada) (2001/2002).
- Visiting Professor in Lusiad University (Universidade Lusíada) since school year 1985/86, having been responsible for the regency of the disciplines Economic Politics I, Economic Politics II, Economic Systems and Structures and, more recently, of Economics and Development Policies (from 1994/95), Banking and Insurance, Economic Politics of Planning since (1995/96), Financial Institutions and Markets, Competition and Regulations (since 1996/97), History of Economic Analysis and Systems (1997/98), Economic Politics, Economics of Under-development, Interdependence and Cooperation, and also of CIBO - Credit Institutions and Banking Operations (ICOB - Instituições de Crédito e Operações Bancárias) (1997/2002), as well as Industrial Economics (2000/2001).
- Regent of the discipline of Politics of Development at the Faculty of Economics of Coimbra University (1979/80).
- Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the New University of Lisbon, having lectured the disciplines of Introduction to Economics, National Accounts, Investment Analysis and Development Policies (1979/80 to 1985/86).
- Assistant Professor at the Course of Media (Comunicação Social) of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais), of the New University of Lisbon (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), having also been regent of the discipline "Introduction to Economics " (1980/81).
- Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais), having also been regent of the disciplines "Economic and Social Structures", "Macroeconomics" and "Microeconomics" (1976/78).
- Assessor to the Minister of Commerce of the VI Provisional Government (for economics and finances matters) - (from September 1975 to April 1976).
- Permanent Contributor of "Página Europeia", part of Jornal do Comércio (newspaper) (1973/74).
- Member of the European Studies Centre, having under that title visited the University of Leuven, the Free University of Brussels and the Community Comission (1972/74).
- Member of Studies Cabinet at Banco Borges & Irmão (1972/76).
Political Activities
- Elected, in 2005, to the Local Assembly of Sao Francisco Xavier, in Lisboa, for the Socialist Party.
- Member of the Parliament Representatives Group of EFTA (1983/85), having participated under that title in several meetings in Geneva, Vienna and Reykjavik.
- Representative to the Parliament, elected for the Socialist Party - Lisbon Circle (1983/85).
- Cited in "Who's who", young leaders' edition (aged up to thirty years old), published in 1981.
- Member of the Parliamentary Comission of Education, Science and Culture (1976/79).
- Member of the Parliamentary Comission of Equipment and Environment (1976/79).
- Member of the Parliament Representatives Group of EFTA (1977/78), having participated under that title in several meetings in Geneva and Stockholm.
- Member of the Parliamentary Comission of Economics, Finances and Planning (1976/79).
- Representative to the Parliament, elected for PPD / PSD party - Lisbon Circle (1976/80).
- President, of Social Democratic Youth (Juventude Social Democrata) (1974/76).
Other Activities
- Member of the Directive Council of the Economists' Bar Association (Ordem dos Economistas) - Center Region (from January 2018 to December 2021).
- Director of the magazine «Revista Energia & Futuro», published by Diário de Bordo Editores, whose President of the Editorial Board is Eng. Luís Mira Amaral. (from October 2010 until May 2019)
- President of the Administrative Council of SOFID - Society for the Financing of Development - Credit Finance Institution, SA (SOFID - Sociedade para o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento - Instituição Financeira de Crédito, SA) (elected on General Assembly of May 12, 2010).
- Member of the Directive Council of Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém (from March, 2010 to January 2012).
- President of the Forum of Portuguese-speaking Contractors and Real-Estate Brokers (Fórum de Construtores e Promotores de Língua Portuguesa) (since November de 2008).
- President of the Consulting Council of OSOCT - Observatory for Security, Organized Crime and Terrorism (OSCOT - Observatório de Segurança, Criminalidade Organizada e Terrorismo) (from July, 2008 to January, 2010, and from 2016).
- Vice-President of the Directive Council of OSOCT - Observatory for Security, Organized Crime and Terrorism (OSCOT - Observatório de Segurança, Criminalidade Organizada e Terrorismo) (from 2007 to 2016).
- President of the Scientific Council of OSOCT - Observatory for Security, Organized Crime and Terrorism (OSCOT - Observatório de Segurança, Criminalidade Organizada e Terrorismo) (from 2005 to 2007).
- President of the Consulting Council of TDI - Transatlantic Democratic Institute (ITD - Instituto Transatlântico Democrático) (since March, 2007).
- Vice-President of the Humberto Delgado Foundation (since January, 2006).
- Vice-President of the Council of Economic Cooperation of the Luso-Arab Institute for Cooperation (since 2006).
- President of the General Assembly Table of "LIBERMIC-Marketing Imagem e Comunicação, S.A." (since March, 2004).
- Economic Consultant of the Embassy of Japan (since October, 2002).
- President of the General Assembly Table of EUROSONDAGEM, S.A. (since 1999).
- Coordinator of the magazine "Financial Cooperation for Development" ("Cooperação Financeira para o Desenvolvimento") of the Ministry of Finance (1999).
- Coordinator of the Comission in charge of promoting financial cooperation (at the portuguese Ministry of Finance level) with Timor Loro Sae (1999).
- Coordinator of the Comission in charge of negotiating the external debt of Angola to Portugal (98/99).
- President of COMACC - Comissão de Acompanhamento do Acordo de Cooperação Cambial signed between Portugal and Cape Verde (1998/99).
- Coordinator of the working group created under clause V of the Protocol signed on July 25, 1997, between Portugal and Cape Verde, with the purpose of studying the convertibility of the Cape Verde Escudo (1997).
- President of the Fiscal Council of the Association for Citizen's Rights (Associação dos Direitos dos Cidadãos).
- President of Honor for life of the Portugal - USA Mutual Friendship Association (since 2007).
- President of the Administrative Council of the Portugal - USA Mutual Friendship Association (2003/2007).
- Economics Consultant of Grupo Libertas (real estate) (since2003).
- President of the Luso - Irish Chamber of Commerce (1990/1995).
- President of the Portugal - Kuwait Mutual Friendship and Cooperation Association (1989/98).
- President of the Movement for Peace and Democracy in Mozambique (1989/98).
- Vice-President of the Luso-Arab Institute for Cooperation (1985/92).
- President of the Fiscal Council of Sheraton Hotels Portugal (Sheraton-Hotéis Portugal) (1984/88).
- Director of "Revista Euroexpansão" (magazine) (1984/89).
- Director of "Jornal do Comércio" (newspaper) (1987/89).
- Member of SEDES and of the Portuguese Fiscal Association (Associação Fiscal Portuguesa).
- Member of the Propaganda Comission (Comissão de Propaganda) of the Portuguese League for the Rights of Man (Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos do Homem).
- President of the Fiscal Council of Portuguese Science Society (Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências) (1982/85).
- Member of the Fiscal Council of Intereuropa (1981/84).
- Participant in the Atlantic City Convention, promoted by the American Economic Association, September 1976.
- Has published articles in multiple publications, over the last thirty three years, most notably: "Expresso", "Tempo", "O Jornal", "D. Notícias", "Semanário", "Semanário Económico", "Negócios", "Revista de Economia - Universidade Católica", "Revista de Segurança e Defesa", "Visão", "Villas & Golfe", "Executive Woman" and "Sol".
Tutoring of Master's and Ph. D. Thesis
Master Degrees
- (Process Concluded with Distinction) - Susana Vicente, M.D. - Master's Degree in Management by Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "Os Novos Desafios do Sistema Financeiro: o caso português" (The New Challenges of the Financial System: the portuguese case) .
- Licenciate Maria de Fátima Sá Vieira - Master's Degree in Public Management and Administration, by ISCSP - "Do Financiamento das Autarquias Locais" (On the Financing of Local Public Entities).
- Licenciate Liliana Rosa do Nascimento - Master's Degree in Economics by Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "Planeamento Estratégico Empresarial no Sector Segurador, no Quadro Internacional" (Strategic Corporate Planning in the Insurance Sector, in an International Setting).
- Licenciate Guida Paulino - Master's Degree in Economics by the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "De uma reorientação da estratégia empresarial no sentido da externalização dos serviços" (On a reorientation of corporate strategy towards the outsourcing of services).
- Licenciate Vasco Frade - Master's Degree in Economics by the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "Do processo de internacionalização de PME'S na áfrica lusófona e seu impacto na capacidade negocial, no quadro europeu" (On the internationalization process of SME's in portuguese-speaking Africa and its impact on negociating ability, in an european setting).
- Licenciate Cláudia Sousa - Master's Degree in International Relations - "A Internacionalização do Sistema Financeiro Português na Semi-periferia" (The Internationalization of the Portuguese Financial system in semi-periphery countries).
- Licenciate Paula Corrales - Master's Degree in International Relations - "De uma Estratégia Empresarial na Área da Saúde" (On an Entrepreneurial Strategy in the Health Sector).
- Licenciate Verónica Abreu Araújo - Master's Degree in Public Policies (ISCSP) - "Micro-Crédito na Madeira" (Micro-Credit in Madeira).
- Licenciate Rui Cabrita - Master's Degree in Economics by the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "A importância de uma gestão integrada de 'stockholders' para o sucesso empresarial" (The importance of integrated management of 'stockholders' for entrepreneurial sucess).
- Licenciate Filipa Teixeira da Silva - Master's Degree in Economics by the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "Dos sectores que condicionam o investimento estrangeiro em Portugal" (On the sectors that hinder foreign investment in Portugal).
- Licenciate Fernando Noivo - Master's Degree in Public Policies (ISCSP) - "Agências de desenvolvimento a nível local" (Development agencies at the local level).
- Licenciate Paula Pires - Master's Degree in Economics by the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (Lusiad University of Lisbon) - "Da análise da viabilidade de projectos aplicada às PMEs" (On the analysis of projects' viabilty applied to SMEs).
Participations as Juror in Master's Degrees and PH. D. Dissertations (up until 1st semester of 2013)
Past Participations
- M. Sc. in Management by Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa of Graduate Susana Vicente - dissertation on "Os novos desafios do Sistema Financeiro: o caso português" (The new challenges of the Financial System: the portuguese case) (May, 2007).
- M. Sc. in Management by Universidade Lusíada of Graduate Ana Clara da Conceição Borrego - dissertation on "O capital de risco em Portugal: factores de insucesso" (Venture capital in Portugal: factors of failure).
- President of the Jury of the M. Sc. in Management and Public Administration at Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) of Graduate Maria de Fátima Oliveira Sá Vieira - dissertation on "Transparências concedidas versus transparências obtidas, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento regional" (Granted transparencies versus gained transparencies, under the perspective of regional development). (April 2009).
- Member (and arguer) of the Jury of the M. Sc. in Management, at Universidade Lusíada, of Graduate Anabela Esteves Cabeleira Monteiro - dissertation on "O Caso do Mercado Abastecedor de Chaves" (The Case of the Chaves Supply Market). (May 2009).
- Member (and arguer) of the Jury of the M. Sc. in Social Policy, at ISCSP, of Graduate Carmen Sofia Matias Mariano - dissertation on "As Dinâmicas de Organização e de Intervenção das Associações de Imigrantes: O Caso do Concelho de Loures" (The Organization and Intervention Dynamics of Immigrant Associations: The Case of Loures County). (October 2009).
- President of the Jury of the M. Sc. in Media, at ISCSP, of Graduate Ana Rute Loureiro Teixeira - dissertation on "A escolha dos mercados nacionais para o lançamento de produtos certificados no comércio justo por multinacionais: Nestlé e Starbucks" (The option for the national markets for the launch of fair trade certified products by multinationals: Nestlé and Starbucks). (October 2009).
- Member of the Jury of the M. Sc. in Social Policy, at ISCSP, of Graduate Maria Catarina Branco Tomaz - dissertation on "As residências para pessoas idosas: percepção e significado para os residentes e seus familiares - Estudo de uma instituição na área de Lisboa" (Residencies for the elderly: perception and significance for the residents and their families - Study of an institution in the Lisboa area). (November 2009).
- Member of the Jury of the M. Sc. in Economics, at Universidade Lusíada, of Graduate João Pedro Galvão - dissertation on "O impacto dos portos comerciais marítimos na economia nacional" (The impact of commercial maritime ports on the national economy). (December 2009).
- Ph. D. in Management by ISCTE of Mr. Ruben Martins Raposo - dissertation on "A cultura organizacional na Banca" (The banking business organizational culture) (October 2006).
- Ph. D. in Economics by Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa of Mr. Nuno Marques Leitão - dissertation on "O comércio internacional entre Portugal e os países da União Europeia e as suas determinantes: análise para o período 1995-2003" (International trade between Portugal and the European Union countries and its driving forces: analysis of the period 1995-2003).
- Member (and arguer) of the Jury of the Ph. D. of Master Henrique Manuel Pimentel Reis - dissertation on "As grandes empresas de obras públicas nos mercados externos: estudo do perfil de internacionalização" (The top public construction companies in the foreign markets: study of the internationalization profiles) (September 2009).
- Member (tutor) of the Jury of the Ph. D. of Master Rui Manuel dos Santos Henriques, at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa - dissertation on "Do Modelo Soviético de Desenvolvimento ao Modelo Russo - A Problemática das Pressões Económicas Externas" (From the Soviet Model to the Russian Development Model - The Issue of External Economic Pressures).
© 2006-2010, António Rebelo de Sousa.
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